15 Jun 2011


Own only what you can carry with you; know language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag. (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)
То имей, что можно всегда пронести с собой: знай языки, знай страны, знай людей. Пусть будет путевым мешком твоим твоя память. Запоминай! Запоминай! Только эти горькие семена, может быть, когда-нибудь и тронуться в рост.


i am not alone

For the sense of smell, almost more than any other, has the power to recall memories and it is a pity that you use it so little. (Rachel Carson) 

18 May 2011

he is one of the greatest

'The name Constructivism did not describe a specific movement but rather a trend within the fields of painting, sculpture and especially closely conjoined artists and their art with machine production, architecture and the applied arts.' 
I am interested in this particular constructivist artist, especially his strong combination of art with architectural elements. I think I can compare my piece of work with his works in order to understand the value of these type of sculptures.

2 Apr 2011

group exhibition

we were kicked off from our planned place which was the gas station near vauxhall and we chose accidental place like under the bridge and we found it good experience for chelsea student artists 

not even nearly finished

my 'memory sculpture' was not particularly finished but I exhibited it anyway, and actually I quite like the way it is

11 Mar 2011

again and again

I invented new "letter" project two month ago and post officers ruined my art piece! aaaaa I am angry !
So, what's my project about...
I have a passion for writing letters, I can express myself(and any other artists) in many ways in the letter, such as type of writing, your abilities, your knowledge and etc. I imagined, if many artists can write letters, we can know much more about our ideas, I fascinated by letters of Van Gogh to his friends.
Artist is a big word, moreover, we have so many art positions in the world! For example: actors, musicians, philosophers, fine artists, designers and many-many others. Also, our world is so big! every countries have certain meanings. From my experience I know that art in my native country and in London are totally different. So, we are artists! Let's share our thoughts and feelings!
Well, I started to send my first letter but, unfortunately, it was not delivered.  
Today, I've written my letter again, maybe this time I will be lucky. I send it to my friend Nastya who is philosopher and lived in my native city. I put an instruction how to write letter right cos it's really important, for example, the colour of letter has to be our mood colour and letters have to be bigger and bigger like matreshka. 

sculpture in progress

4 Feb 2011

how old are you?


                                           my video cut from 'vertigo' this film is what I need

big brother

I've found my 'brother' in the sculpture exhibition :)

3 Feb 2011

memorable photographs

I know that John Stezaker's works are not about memory at all, but in this collage I feel rarity old black and white memorable things. I like how pieces combined together.


Susan Hiller's works sounds familiar for me, I write about my colorful dreams everyday as well as she did it, but she also organized a group of people who share their dreams, I found it interesting.

31 Jan 2011

time sculpture

I am trying to start my wooden-canvas sculpture, I have so much works to do before I start making in wood! When I was in wooden workshop, I spoke with guy who work there and I tried to explain him what I want to realize and our final decision was to make ball bearing consequently I have to go to metal workshop. In this workshop, staff guy advise me to buy the ball bearing in the website, because he hasn't got any equipment to make it, so I am looking now at this web page and ball bearing 22 mm cost 60p and minimum cost to buy is 10#, so I will call tomorrow to know where can I buy it in store. It's really long way.

14 Jan 2011


I starting to make new piece of work and again about memory, but probably not about olfaction! First of all, I wanted to make large wooden art work in christmas holiday, but now I understand that it's too difficult to realise it and also after all I have to keep this item! So, once upon a time new idea light up my mind! I want to carry on with memory theme and to do 'memory clock', in my childhood, in 90's,  I saw strange game, it's looks like small pinball, but in another way, it's small maze pyramid and you need to push the ball into the hole, I really want to find it! So, I want to make average size mount and in the middle of it will be the clock hole with one minute ball. I think, it's so hard to calculate everything to make one minute clock and moreover to do it in wood! Firstly, I decided to make a model in clay, maybe it may help me.